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Box Art July.png

Media Kit

All photos and marketing materials are available for promotion.

Click the Marketing button for the Google Drive folder,

or scroll down the page down to view all the photos.

Retail Sell Sheet

Selling Points

A sell sheet for retailers. How to buy the product.

Sales Pitch:

Remember passing notes in class when the teacher wasn't looking? Recapture your rebellious school days and be the sneakiest student in class --OR-- play as the teacher and catch those pesky pupils.

Target Audience:

Hidden Movement Fans:

Instead of everyone seeking one hidden person like most hidden movement games, this one flips the script. One person is seeking everyone else.


Medium Weight Gamers:

Not too simple, not too complex!

Boardgame Families:

Family friendly! The box says 14+, but if someone younger plays boardgames regularly, they wil have no trouble with this game.

Nostalgic Adults:

Anyone who remembers chalkboards, composition notebooks, crumpled paper, and pencil doodles. The components strive to take you back to a different time in your life.


Teachers love it! Give it as a gift!

Box of the product being sold

Nostalgia: Chalkboards, compositional notebooks, crumpled paper, and pencil doodles. All the components are designed to take adults back to their school days.

Components in the game
Artwork on the front of the box. Artwork for the product being sold.
Artwork on the front of the box. Artwork for the product being sold.


This is the classroom. Student will pass notes from desk to desk, using dry erase markers. Teachers will track the notes using their chalkboard.

A component for the game. A component for student players.



A component for the game. A component for the teacher.




High quality components for an immersive experience!

Student cards in the game
All the pieces of the game

Shipping: (6 games per case)

Buy 1 case for 50% off

Buy 2 cases or more for free shipping


Demo Copies: 

Purchase a demo copy for 1/2 off of whole sale when you buy 6 games or more.

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